Can fibroadenomas turn into cancer?


  1. Can fibroadenomas turn into cancer?
  2. Does fibroadenoma go away?
  3. What happens if fibroadenoma is left untreated?
  4. Does fibroadenoma cause pain?
  5. At what size should a fibroadenoma be removed?
  6. What does fibroadenoma pain feel like?
  7. Should I be worried about fibroadenoma?
  8. What is the main cause of fibroadenoma?
  9. When should you remove fibroadenoma?
  10. Do fibroadenomas grow fast?
  11. Why does my fibroadenoma hurt?
  12. How does fibroadenoma feel?
  13. Is it normal for fibroadenoma to grow?
  14. Do I need surgery for fibroadenoma?
  15. What is the normal size of fibroadenoma?

Can fibroadenomas turn into cancer?

The large majority of fibroadenomas will not turn into breast cancer. However, it is possible for complex fibroadeomas to become cancerous. This type of lump is less common and faster growing than simple fibroadenomas and contains changes such as cell overgrowth (hyperplasia) and calcium deposits.

Does fibroadenoma go away?

Fibroadenomas are often smooth, slippery oval mobile masses that grow to 2 to 3 cm in the breast tissue and then can either go away on their own, stay the same or enlarge. If they enlarge, become painful, or change and become worrisome in appearance, they are surgically removed.

What happens if fibroadenoma is left untreated?

Fibroadenomas do not usually cause any complications. It is possible that a person may develop breast cancer out of a fibroadenoma, but this is highly unlikely. According to research, only around 0.002 to 0.125 percent of fibroadenomas become cancerous.

Does fibroadenoma cause pain?

Usually, fibroadenomas are not painful. However, they can be uncomfortable or very sensitive to touch. Often women find that their fibroadenoma gets tender in the days before their period. Pushing or prodding at the lump can also make it tender.

At what size should a fibroadenoma be removed?

There are no strict size criteria for excision of fibroadenomas; however, some studies suggest removal of fibroadenomas that are larger than 2 to 3 cm. Other indications for surgical resection of a fibroadenoma include discomfort, growth on imaging/exam, or uncertain pathologic diagnosis.

What does fibroadenoma pain feel like?

A fibroadenoma might feel firm, smooth, rubbery or hard and has a well-defined shape. Usually painless, it might feel like a marble in your breast, moving easily under your skin when examined.

Should I be worried about fibroadenoma?

If your doctor has told you that you have a fibroadenoma in your breast, don't panic. It's not cancer. These lumps are one of the most common breast lumps in young women. Many times, they will shrink and disappear with no treatment.

What is the main cause of fibroadenoma?

The cause of fibroadenomas is unknown, but they might be related to reproductive hormones. Fibroadenomas occur more often during your reproductive years, can become bigger during pregnancy or with use of hormone therapy, and might shrink after menopause, when hormone levels decrease.

When should you remove fibroadenoma?

Many doctors recommend removing fibroadenomas, especially if they keep growing or change the shape of the breast, to make sure that cancer is not causing the changes. Sometimes these tumors stop growing or even shrink on their own, without any treatment.

Do fibroadenomas grow fast?

These tumors are common, benign breast tumors that usually affect women in second and third decades of life. Fibroadenomas are usually small and can be managed conservatively; however, 0.5-2% of these lesions will grow rapidly.

Why does my fibroadenoma hurt?

Fibroadenomas are sensitive to hormonal change. They frequently vary during the menstrual cycle, often becoming more prominent and more tender prior to a period. Fibroadenomas can become larger during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. They do not usually interfere with a woman's ability to breastfeed.

How does fibroadenoma feel?

A fibroadenoma might feel firm, smooth, rubbery or hard and has a well-defined shape. Usually painless, it might feel like a marble in your breast, moving easily under your skin when examined. Fibroadenomas vary in size, and they can enlarge or shrink on their own.

Is it normal for fibroadenoma to grow?

Over time, a fibroadenoma may grow in size or even shrink and disappear. The average fibroadenoma is anywhere from the size of a marble up to 2.5 centimeters (cm) in diameter. If it grows to 5 cm or larger, it's called a giant fibroadenoma.

Do I need surgery for fibroadenoma?

In many cases, fibroadenomas require no treatment. However, some women choose surgical removal for their peace of mind.

What is the normal size of fibroadenoma?

The average fibroadenoma is anywhere from the size of a marble up to 2.5 centimeters (cm) in diameter. If it grows to 5 cm or larger, it's called a giant fibroadenoma. Higher estrogen levels due to pregnancy or hormone therapy can cause a fibroadenoma to get bigger, while menopause often causes it to get smaller.